Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit)
Video by Hokuto Kodama

“Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit)”
There is a dancer, there is a work, there is a performance.
I was born in a ballet family, and started dancing when I was 4 years old. So, I have been performing as a dancer ever since then, in fact, I have been performing the role of myself as a dancer all my life. How did I come to perform this role, and what made me a dancer? Moreover, what does it mean to “be a dancer”? This solo work investigates the constitution of subjectivity by revealing the “performativity of the performance”. I know that it sounds more than obvious, but the consequence of what it can do might be not so innocent as it appears. Performance produces the “reality” to be performed. In this performance, I speak, I lie, and I admit to bring the attention to that ambiguous threshold, the liminality between the inside and the outside.
The work is untitled. Or rather, I don’t really know how to call this work anymore. It has too many names.
Choreography and performance: Hokuto Kodama
External choreography: Samuel Feldhandler
Advisors: Peter Mills, Yoko Nishiyama, Josefine Wikström, Thomas Zamoro
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes
Planned premiere: May 18, 2018, @ DOCH (The University of Dance and Circus) Stockholm
Performances: May 18 13:00 / May 19 20:00 / May 20 14:30 at DOCH, Brinellvägen 58, 114 28 Stockholm
Hokuto Kodama is a dancer/choreographer based in Stockholm/Tokyo. Negotiating his own background as a classical dancer born in a ballet family in Japan, his cynical yet playful work operates along the discourses of body politics and subjectivity in relation to choreography as a technology of time/space distribution. He has created two solo works in 2017, based on his interest in the performativity of language and image. This new work will be the third of the trilogy. www.hokutokodama.com
For the excerpts from my essay concerning this project, please click here.
「Untitled (I speak, I lie, I admit)」
初演:2018年5月18日 @ DOCH, ストックホルム
2018年 5月18日 13:00 5月19日 20:00 5月20日 14:30